Field ID | Description | Relationship |
20010 | Current smoker: Ever tried to quit s ... | Field 20010 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20008 | Current smoker: Frequency of current ... | Field 20008 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20009 | Current smoker: Inhale smoke | Field 20009 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20012 | Current smoker: Number of cigarettes ... | Field 20012 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20011 | Current smoker: Want to quit smoking ... | Field 20011 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
16 | Ever quit smoking? | Field 16 was asked of participants who responded, at baseline, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20014 | Ex-smokers: Age when last quit smoking | Field 20014 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were former smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20015 | Ex-smokers: Did participant quit smo ... | Field 20015 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were former smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20013 | Ex-smokers: Number of years ago last ... | Field 20013 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were former smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20016 | Ex-smokers: On how many days per wee ... | Field 20016 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were former smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
13 | Frequency of current smoking | Field 13 was asked of participants who responded, at baseline, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
15 | Inhale smoke | Field 15 was asked of participants who responded, at baseline, that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
14 | Quantity of cigarettes smoked per da ... | Field 14 was asked of participants who responded that they were current smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
20 | Quantity of cigarettes smoked per da ... | Field 20 was asked of participants who responded, at resurvey, that they were former smokers, as defined by their answer to Current Field |
10 | Tobacco use | Current Field was asked of participants who responded that they had ever smoked tobacco, as defined by their answer to Field 10 |