Name: inchn15x
Description: Which represents your total net household income - at age 69 years
This is a flat (unstructured) list which uses integers to represent categories or special values.
Coding can be downloaded here as a tab-separated file. |
Description: Which represents your total net household income - at age 69 years
This is a flat (unstructured) list which uses integers to represent categories or special values.
Coding can be downloaded here as a tab-separated file. |
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Coding | Meaning |
1 | A - Less than £6,000 (annually)/<£500 (monthly)/< £116 (weekly) |
2 | B - £6,000 - £7,999 (annually)/£500 - £666 (monthly)/£116 - £153 (weekly) |
3 | C - £8,000 - £9,999 (annually)/£667 - £833 (monthly)/£154 - £192 (weekly) |
4 | D - £10,000 - £11,999 (annually)/£834 - £999 (monthly)/£193 - £230 (weekly) |
5 | E - £12,000 - £14,999 (annually)/£1,000 -£1,249 (monthly)/£231 - £288 (weekly) |
6 | F - £15,000 - £17,999 (annually)/£1,250 - £1,499 (monthly)/£289 - £346 (weekly) |
7 | G - £18,000 - £20,999 (annually)/£1,500 - £1,749 (monthly)/£347 - £403 (weekly) |
8 | H - £21,000 - £23,999 (annually)/£1,750 - £1,999(monthly)/£404 - £461 (weekly) |
9 | I - £24,000 - £26,999 (annually)/£2,000 - £2,249 (monthly)/£462 - £519 (weekly) |
10 | J - £27,000 - £29,999 (annually)/£2,250 - £2,499 (monthly)/£520 - £576 (weekly) |
11 | K - £30,000 - £39,999 (annually)/£2,500 - £3,333 (monthly)/£577 - £769 (weekly) |
12 | L - £40,000-£79,000 (annually)/£3,334-£6,666 (monthly)/£770-£1,538 (weekly) |
13 | M - £80,000 or more (annually)/£6,667 or more (monthly)/£1539 or more (weekly) |
Field ID | Description | Category |
7238 | Which represents your total net household income - at age 69 years | Economic circumstances |
National Survey of Health and Development 1946 Cohort