Sub-Studies ⏵ Insight46
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Category ID | Description | Items |
6031 | Population characteristics | 3+2 |
6032 | Sociodemographics | +2 |
610 | Cardiovascular | +119 |
6033 | Brain MRI | +219 |
6034 | Brain PET | +308 |
6035 | Physical measures | +111 |
6036 | Physical activity | +352 |
6037 | Biological samples | +25 |
6038 | Genomics | +1 |
6039 | Family history | +96 |
6040 | Health and medical history | +180 |
6041 | Mental health | +9 |
6042 | Cognitive function | +190 |
6045 | Wearables | +16 |
Category ID | Description | Items |
57 | Sub-Studies | +1633 |
National Survey of Health and Development 1946 Cohort