0 items of data are available, covering 0 participants.
Some values have special meanings defined by Data-Coding
dsu209 - Supplement 2 (Please specify names/brands of each supplement) - at age 60-64 years.
Coding 14304 defines 24 special values:
- 46 represents "Dietetic foods (e.g. cranberry juice, probiotics)"
- 48 represents "Other supplements"
- 70 represents "Fish oils"
- 71 represents "GLS - EPO and Starflower oils, primrose oil"
- 72 represents "Multiminerals"
- 73 represents "Calcium"
- 74 represents "Zinc"
- 75 represents "Magnesium"
- 76 represents "Iron"
- 77 represents "Selenium and Selenium ACE"
- 78 represents "Multivitamins"
- 79 represents "B vitamins and complex"
- 80 represents "Vitamin B6"
- 81 represents "Folic acid"
- 82 represents "Vitamin C"
- 83 represents "Vitamin E"
- 86 represents "Herbal supplements"
- 87 represents "Proteins and amino acids (e.g. Glucosamine)"
- 88 represents "Fats and fatty acids (eg soya lecithin)"
- 89 represents "Other minerals"
- 90 represents "Plant phyto-chemical and co-enzyme"
- 91 represents "Vitamin and mineral combinations"
- 92 represents "Antioxidants"
- 93 represents "Vitamin D"
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