2,386 items of data are available, covering 2,098 participants, encoded using Data-Coding
Defined-instances run from 27 to 32, labelled using Instancing
Data has not been summarised because combining instances would be misleading.
2 Instances
Instance 27 : 2014 - Survey carried out at age 68 years.
1,328 participants, 1,328 items
Instance 32 : 2022 - Survey carried out at age 76 years.
1,058 participants, 1,058 items
painloc814x - Where have you felt aches or pains - location 8 (Hand - left) - at age 68 years, paind0822x - Where have you felt aches or pains - location 8 (Hand - left) - at age 76 years
0 Related Data-Fields
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0 Resources
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